The League
Welcome to our ever-growing line up of original content

Yes. We create, develop, and produce a league of captivating original podcasts but we do so much more. We create unique marketing platforms that when leveraged to maximum capability, become a tool to amplify the voices of our hosts, guests and the brands that support them.

Designated Drinker Show
the podcast raising the bar on craft cocktails
Dive into the world of boozy banter
The Designated Drinker Show is a weekly podcast all about craft cocktails. It’s a fun time, like any good night spent at a favorite watering hole. Each week, host Louise Salas invites a different Designated Drinker to infuse their unique perspective and story into the conversation, while resident barkeep Gina Chersevani distills this distinctive flavor profile into a custom cocktail.
In a nutshell, the show is where our listeners meet interesting folks, enjoy boozy banter and learn how to make craft cocktails from a master.

Rodger That Show
guiding you through the haze of dementia
Caring for the caregivers of those with dementia
Rodger That is a weekly podcast focused on the caregiver. Here, skilled caregivers Bobbi and Mike Carducci offer their personal and practical insights on caring for a loved one with dementia, as well as tips to help caregivers prioritize their own health and mental well-being.
Along with their inspiring guests, Bobbi and Mike are dedicated to offering emotional support, practical tips and coping mechanisms so that no one is left feeling so lost and alone.

Between Acts
an immersive audio theatre podcast experience